German Business Council Qatar

Information on GBCQ
The GBCQ was founded in December 2002 in Doha being a non-governmental and non-profit seeking association representing all interested German and Qatari companies, their representatives, as well as Germans, Qataris and other nationalities, engaged in business activities in both countries.
The main objective of the Council is to promote, cultivate and assist business relations between Germany and Qatar, as well as other international business communities, by forming a platform where business representatives of both nations can meet and exchange views and ideas.
The GBCQ’s membership is growing since its foundation, however we are welcoming new members in order to increase and improve the scope of our activities, i.e. GBCQ is closely cooperating with the German Industry and Commerce Office Auslandshandelskammer (AHK).
O b j e c t i v e s of the GBCQ
The GBCQ’s main objectives in common with other German Business Councils in the Gulf Cooperation Council shall be to:
- Promote business relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the State of Qatar
- Promote German trade and industry sectors in Qatar
- Offer a link to organizers of German trade missions and German foreign trade offices promoting Middle East / German business relations
- Provide Qatari and German business men on a regular basis with networking platform to exchange their views
- Develop and reinforce contacts between the Business Councils of other countries active in the State of Qatar
- Represent the business interests of German and Qatari business people when dealing with government institutions, authorities and other official organisations of the two countries
- Assist the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Doha by providing any information relevant to the promotion of economic relations
- Organise business events, seminars, symposia, discussions as well as social events in order to enhance mutual communication and cooperation
A c t i v i t i e s
To improve business and personal relations among our members, the Board of the GBCQ organises Monthly Members’ Meetings and invites guest speakers from Ministries, various Authorities as well as representatives from local or foreign companies to brief the GBCQ members on latest developments in the respective fields of industry and its new projects.
To strengthen the social communication among our members’ families we organize Social Events throughout the year such as visits to Sheikh Faisal Museum in Shahanniya, Desert Trips, Christmas Dinner, and many more relaxed gatherings.
I n f o r m a t i o n and M a r k e t i n g

Members’ Directory: A unique media for advertising with large distribution and a high level exposure. The 5th. Edition of the Members’ Directory will contain information on our Corporate Members, their activities as well as useful
information on Germany and Qatar and 2000 copies will be printed and distributed to senior executives of Qatar’s Private and Public Sectors, Hotels, Embassies, Business Councils and other organizations in the country.
To illustrate the dynamism of the GBCQ we invite you to place an advertisement in the YEARLY EDITED Members’ Directory, your presence highly appreciated to highlight our commitment in promoting business relations between Qatar and Germany and among the international communities in Qatar.
We invite anybody interested to get in touch with our GBCQ office by e-mail [email protected] or call us on +974 4431 1152.
Wolfgang Muth
Chairman on behalf of the Board
Mohammed Al Shamlan
Matthias Krampe
Boris van Thiel
Thomas Stiegler

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